Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Miss Emily


Eighteen years ago I couldn't wait to meet our baby girl.
I anxiously counted down the days until I would finally hold her in my arms.

I blinked and eighteen years have flown by.
She now stands poised to experience the world for herself.

I would by lying if I said it wasn't bittersweet.
At this moment, so many thoughts race through any mother's mind.

Was my effort enough?
Did I tell her I loved her enough?

Did I teach her how to be tough? 

Did I show her how to love unconditionally?


Did she see me living out my faith?
Will she love the Lord when the choice is hers alone to make?

I don't know the answers to these questions churning in my heart.
 But I know this.

Time won't stand still.

So I will celebrate this new milestone with her
and still the turmoil inside as I help her take the next steps.

I can't wait to watch her grow and mature.
I can't wait to see the woman she will become.

And no matter what the future has in store for Emily,
 she has made me and her father very proud. 

She will be painfully missed when she moves out this fall.
She makes me smile.

There's a sweet spirit in her that so often is hidden 
by her sass and dramatic facade.

That sweetness is seen in the little things.
Like the cookie she left for me in her car 
when she asked me to bring some forgotten items all the way to school.

And the diet cokes that she would bring me....
or text me pictures of  drinks she made me 
so I would stop and visit her at work.

I can't stop the calendar from marching steadily toward August 
and Emily's departure for college.

So instead, I'm choosing 
to enjoy this one last summer together with her.

Let's make it a good one, Emily!

I love you!

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