Monday, January 9, 2017

The Egg

Of course I am posting totally random pictures since I've not shared anything the past month.
Let's see what I can find on our camera to share today...

Here's Grant.

 Ten years old.  
Romantic extraordinaire.  
Still in love with the same sweet girl, T. T., after three years.
Obsessed with Pokemon and video games.
Very organized.  Polite.  Except to his sisters.
Hater of science lab.  Lover of math.
Pickiest eater I've ever had the privilege of feeding.

And now....
currently obsessed with fried eggs.

But it hasn't always been so.

One morning at the farm I decided I was no longer serving my picky crew their usual scrambled eggs.
They could either eat a fried egg or wait until lunch.
Sweet of me, I know.

 AFTER everyone stopped grumbling about no scrambled eggs, 
they declared fried eggs not only safe for human consumption but actually good!  Yeah!!

 Did I mention my kids are picky eaters?

And incredibly spoiled too!

But I love them.
Spoiled, picky and all.

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