Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Someone stole the center from the cinnamon roll.

Wonder who?

Here is a Father's Day gift from Emily to David. 

We enjoyed a busy Father's Day yesterday. After church we celebrated the day with brats on the grill and gifts and cards.

In addition to Emily's gift, David received a branding iron with the Rock Hills Farm letters. Since we aren't much on branding the cows, we tried to get a child to step forward and volunteer as the first to take our brand.  No one would volunteer. Cowards. 

Later David and I ran to the farm to work and check on the progress at the barn.  They are making some progress in spite of the wet weather!

Today was eye doctor appointments for four kids followed by a trip to ECO to clean offices then off to the pool for an evening swim. 

These are the days of summer we love. 

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