My name is Grant.
I am practicing for a very important job I am performing this weekend.
Anyone want to guess?
While I'm off practicing, why don't you take a look at some of the things going on around the zoo.
(besides chasing wayward hamsters)
Waaaaaaay back in July when Grace went to church camp we had a pretty significant piece of news that was never shared.
Grace was baptized on the last day of camp.
See her there in the water with the camp counselor?
Yup. Mom and Dad are pretty proud of her.
Dad says there is a new calf at the farm. I think we now have five babies.
He's named them all "Moo La".
He calls them "Money" for short.
Yeah. I just made that up.
I'll stop now.
I'll be you've never heard of a sport called hay bale slalom. Have you?
Here's Dad showing Grace the techniques needed.
Grace and I both love to slalom around the bales.
One more thing we've been doing is cheering on our local baseball team, the Bats.
I have perfected my one-handed-sno-cone-eating-glove-wearing-in-case-there's-a-foul-ball technique.
I'm pretty good at it too!!
Well, gotta go to bed now.