Today Grace's school had
'support your favorite team' day
to help celebrate March Madness.
This is what Grace wore to school today
minus the pom poms
and with an added long sleeve shirt underneath.
and shoes too
of course
She was so excited to wear this.
Too bad Illinois is already out this year.
Gus had his 100th day of kindergarten last week.
They do a big party for the kids to celebrate.
They are way behind the public schools.
Grace celebrated the 100th day at her school
several weeks ago.
And Friday we celebrated Grace's eighth birthday
with a butterfly cake
and presents
but mostly with cake
since that seems to be the highlight
of the festivities
I hope her wish comes true.
Thank you for thinking of her on her big day
with the gifts and cards.
They love all of the attention and birthday wishes.
Glad to see your starting the illini pride early!