Friday, November 2, 2012

KOA Kamping - Kontinued

Do you notice a pattern?
We are pretty boring really.
We do the same things OVER and OVER and OVER

like miniature golf

I don't like to think of us as boring though....
I prefer to call it "predictable".

Emily and the two younger kids enjoyed a wagon ride at the campground.

Meanwhile, John challenged his dad to a game of horseshoes.

More pictures from the falls....

They were fascinated with the tiny shells along the banks of the river.



Later that Saturday evening we made our way to the rec building for homemade sundaes.
The kids were all for eating ice cream in spite of what the temperatures were outside.
I would have preferred hot chocolate if anyone had asked.
They didn't.
After eating our ice cream, we played a few rounds of BINGO.

Grace won one of the games.
Emily helped her gather her winnings.

The prize consisted of about eight full sized candybars.
Each card played cost a candybar.
So we netted a total of two bars for the evening.
Grant showing off the loot.

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