Monday, August 27, 2012

Skating and Biking

David and I met with John's orthodontist today.  The kid is getting a reprieve from braces for a while.  It looks like you won't be able to call him 'metal mouth' or 'tin grin' or anything equally offensive for at least another year.  Enjoy that gum and taffy while you can, son. Your day of reckoning approaches.

Lessons from the trenches.......
Lesson #1  When you take your children to an elementary skating party, DO NOT wear open toe sandals.
Tonight was the first PTA skating party for Grace's school.  Emily stayed home since she doesn't care for skating, but the other three plus a friend of John's loaded up for an evening of skating and falling.  For some, it was mostly skating.  For some who shall remain nameless (GHS) it was a lot of least when he wasn't running over my toes, he was falling.
Friday afternoon
I threw our bicycles in the back of the car and we headed off to explore.

The little community near us has a public walk/bike path with lots of fun things to see and do along the way.
We spent the afternoon seeing

and doing.

We had to stop for a few breaks along the way too.
It was warm here on Friday.

This was Grant's favorite thing to do on the trail.

We got a little exercise and had a little fun along the way too...
not a bad way to spend an afternoon with my youngest son.


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