Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bedtime Thoughts and Parking Problems

would you like to know what David is doing in the woods with the kubota?
More on this later.
When we put the kids to bed at night, we always try to spend a few minutes talking with them.  Grant has gotten pretty chatty lately.  In fact David spent forty minutes chatting it up with him the other night.  Tonight was no exception.  Here are some of the highlights of the conversation at bedtime.

(showing off his missing tooth)
Me - Did you have fun at the pool tonight?

Grant - Yeah, and I liked eating Zaxby's today.

Me - Were you scared when you started home from the pool alone on your bike?

Grant - No.  Where were you?

Me - I got caught talking to someone after you had already left.

Grant - So who would I talk to if you and dad and john and emily and grace were gone?

Me - You mean if we left you at home alone?

Grant - No if you were dead in the house and I was still alive...who would I talk to? (this is what he asked)

(long motherly explanation)

Me - Is that okay?

Grant - Yeah,okay.  For my next birthday, how many matchbox cars can I get?

(I am guessing I must have answered his question.  It took him exactly 2.3 seconds to move on from the mortality of the entire family to exactly how many matchbox cars he could get for birthday.)

Grant - (asked as I am walking out of the room)Why can squirrels hold so many nuts in their cheeks?

Me - ASK ME IN THE MORNING! (this could go on all night)

you just never know what direction the conversation will take when talking to him.


Be careful.....
locked doors are no guarantee around here.
Grant has figured out how to use a golf club to knock the key off the top of the door frame.
and to think I have blamed John and Emily for all of the missing keys.

This is a picture from last week, but thought I would post one that shows she's quite a spunky little thing.
She bucks and kicks and loves to play.
I hope to get out there this weekend and check on her.
have you figured this out yet?

David was in the woods because John ran into some technical difficulties while parking the Rhino one night at the farm.
Here is what his technical difficulties looked like.
It seems John took the Rhino out of gear when parking it at the TOP of the hill one time after feeding Snickers.
When I went to get the Rhino for the next feeding, it was gone.
I found it.........
at the BOTTOM of the hill.

Thankfully, no one was hurt.
Also, thankfully, the Rhino only ended up at the bottom of the hill and not at the bottom of the pond which could easily have happened based on where it started its trip.

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