Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sticks and Bunks

While this has been going on inside at the farm lately......

THIS has been happening outside.....

Spring is in the air folks!
I've got tulips blooming along with daffodils and forsythias.  Even the rhododendron is showing signs of life now.

I supervised the crew inside a couple weekends ago while David supervised the work detail outside.  They picked up sticks and generally cleaned the yard up from winter's mess.  David was out there again this week getting things ready in the garden and mowing the orchard for the first time this spring.  We're excited to get going again.

There are discussions and research being done to determine the possibility of putting a couple feeder calves out there this year as well.  We'll see how that one develops.   Anyone interested in some home grown pasture fed beef?

While John and Emily were having so much fun outside (sarcasm intended there) I watched Grace and Grant frolic on the bunkbeds in the kids' bedroom.  We don't normally let them up there yet.  Things just get too crazy with climbing and jumping and we're concerned for someone falling and really getting hurt.

With the bigger kids outside though, I let Grace and Grant play on the top bunks.
They LOVED it.....

I'm guessing at the very least they  loved it more than their brother and sister loved picking up sticks in the yard!

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