Tuesday, February 16, 2010


An Interview with Grace

Mom:  Hi Grace.  Can I ask you some questions?

Grace:  Sure.  Can I type my numbers when we're done?

Mom:  Sure. 

Mom:  What is your favorite color?

Grace:  Purple

Mom:  Where do you like to go eat?

Grace:  Dairy Queen!!

Mom:  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Grace:  chocolate

Mom:  What do you want to be when you grow up?

Grace:  A real princess

Mom:  Who will you marry when you are a princess?

Grace:  Daddy!
Mom:  How many babies do you want when you grow up?

Grace:  ten boys and ten girls

Mom:  Where do you want to live when you grow up?

Grace:  Right by the North Pole where its' cold and where Santa lives

Mom:  What is your favorite movie?

Grace:  Charlie Brown's Christmas and the Grinch

Mom:  What is your favorite toy?

Grace:  My bathtub mermaid doll

Mom:  What is your favorite pet?

Grace::  Tinkerbell-Grace (newest name for the rabbit)

Mom:  Who do you like to play with?

Grace:  Emily because she plays house with me

Mom:  How long have you known daddy?

Grace:  Forever

Mom:  What do you like about your daddy?

Grace:  He's goofy (her word,not mine) and he wrestles with me

Mom:  Thank you Grace for the interview.

Grace:  Can I type my numbers now? 

1 comment:

  1. What kind of numbers did she want to type? What a cute little interview!

    When I was a little girl, I also wanted to marry my daddy. I still remember the day I found out that couldn't happen, and how bummed I was.

    Confessions From A Working Mom
